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Version: v1.87

HOPR Cluster Development Setup

The best way to learn and develop the HOPR protocol is by interacting with a HOPR node connected inside the HOPR network. A series of HOPR nodes fully interconnected between each other is called a HOPR cluster.

Without a HOPR cluster, app developers can only fake interactions with a HOPR node by mocking their API1, and core protocol developers can't replicate critical functionality over messaging such as ticket redemption and packet relaying.



MacOS M1 users will need to follow an extra set of instructions from NVM to allow them to use Node.js 16.

Node.js should be compiled under x64 architecute.

To run a HOPR cluster, we suggest the following options to you based on your Operating System (OS):

  • Windows: Gitpod
  • Linux or macOS: Gitpod or Local

Gitpod Setup

The simplest and fastest way to setup a HOPR cluster is using Gitpod. Gitpod is a cloud tool used to create automated dev environments in seconds. We have configured our HOPR monorepo to quickly setup everything for you to get started.

Open in Gitpod

After Gitpod creates a virtual machine with our codebase, it will immediately start running a local cluster as described by our Gitpod configuration file. The entire setup will take roughly 5-10 minutes, after which it will export a series of endpoint URLs which you can use later.

gitpod /workspace/hoprnet (master) $ echo $HOPR_NODE_1_HTTP_URL
gitpod /workspace/hoprnet (master) $ echo $HOPR_NODE_1_WS_URL
gitpod /workspace/hoprnet (master) $ echo $HOPR_NODE_1_ADDR

Gitpod URLs

When running a HOPR cluster inside Gitpod, all the URLs will be exposed via their own DNS service, which resolves services to ports via URLs that look like this These URLs change every so often, and are behind SSL certificates within Gitpod, making them susceptible to Mixed-content and CORS erros when working locally.

To avoid these issues, we recommend installing the Gitpod Companion App, which will forward Gitpod's services to your workstation, so you can use them via instead of the Gitpod URLs. As all our documentation assume this local IP, so using the app will make things easier for you to read on.

Replacing URLs

If you do not want to use the Gitpod Companion App, just remember to replace the URLs in the documentation to your Gitpod service URL. You can obtain the specific URL per port running the tool gp. For knowing the URL behind port 13301 you run the following:

gp url 13301

which will return something like Please be aware that depending on whether the documentation refers to your HTTP_URL or WS_URL, you might need to change the protocol from https to wss.

Local Setup

The local setup will give you a similar setup to the one the HOPR team works with on a daily basis. After all dependencies are installed, this configuration allows you to develop HOPR apps offline.

  1. Download the latest version of the repository: Download a local version of our GitHub repository monorepo2 and unzip it in your local folder (roughly ~30 Mbs at the time of writing). For the next tasks, we will assume you are within that folder.
cd hoprnet-master
  1. Install the dependencies of the project and build it: Make sure you have nodejs@16 (we suggest installing it via nvm, ie nvm install lts/gallium), and yarn (included in nodejs@16 by running corepack enable) to install and build the required packages and project modules. Ideally, you also have setup your computer with basic development toolset3. Please bear in mind that this process will take at least 5-10 minutes depending on your computer.
yarn && yarn build
  1. Run the one-line setup script: Proceed to run the following script. If you are planning to run MyneChat alongside, then make sure to pass the -m flag with your MyneChat instance URL. Please wait while this script creates the local blockchain network and deploys the project contracts. In average, the process can take between 2-6 minutes, depending on your computer capacity. Important, make sure to have both curl and jq installed in your computer before running the script, as both are used. Please be aware you also need a version of bash of 5.x or superior, which in most macOS devices require an upgrade, the easiest being via brew bash.
./scripts/ -m "" -i scripts/topologies/

Afterwards, a set off accounts with their respective HTTP REST API, HOPR Admin, and WebSocket interface will be displayed in your screen. For the next steps, we recommend copying and pasting these URLs and export them to your terminal so you can make use of them in the following pages.


  1. The demo application MyneChat uses a mock server to simplify it’s development workflow. Nevertheless, to fully experience the extend of its features, it relies on a HOPR cluster, either a local or a public one.
  2. By using the master tag, you are downloading the latest version of hoprnet to spin up your nodes, which might be ideal to your particular use case. However, due to the rapid development done on the project, you might be better off using a stable release. The latest stable release known at the time of writing is athens.
  3. If you have installed and built another node.js application from your computer in the past, you likely will not need to do anything else. However, in the case your are only starting to develop in node.js, there's a high chance you might need to install a few extra tools. For instance, in Linux-based OS, you will likely also need to install build-essentials (e.g. in Ubuntu do apt-get install build-essentials), whereas in macOS you need Xcode developer tools, installable via xcode-select --install.