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Version: v1.85

Using Docker


The instructions below are for Linux and macOS, however, due to the nature of Docker, you may also run this on Windows.


The docker image is in alpha stage. The following instructions may not work for you.

The Docker setup allows you quickly get started with HOPRd without having to download any other software requirements in your machine. This allows you to quickly get started using the system, but has some hardware requirements to be aware of.

To use Docker, you will need a device that supports hardware-level virtualisation: VT-x for Intel-based PCs and AMD-V for AMD processors. Most of the Mac and Linux machines support it out of the box, so ensure you have enough memory (e.g. 2 GB) and disk space (e.g. 1 GB) before starting.

Installing Docker

Before doing anything else, you need to install Docker Desktop on your machine. Docker is natively supported in MacOS/Linux, and will prompt you with any additional requirements, depending on your operating system. Depending on your setup, you might need to follow additional steps to ensure your computer works properly with Docker.

Depending of your distribution, please follow the official guidelines for how to install and run Docker on your workstation.

Downloading HOPRd image using Docker

All our docker images can be found in our Google Cloud Container Registry. Each image is prefixed with The wildhorn-v2 tag represents the latest community release version.

You can pull the Docker image like so:

docker pull

Then start a container:

docker run --pull always -ti -v $HOME/.hoprd-db-wildhorn-v2:/app/db -p 9091:9091 -p 3000:3000 -p 8080:8080 hopr/hoprd:wildhorn-v2 --password='h0pR-w1ldhorn-v2' --init --announce --identity /app/db/.hopr-id-wildhorn-v2 --apiToken='<YOUR_SECRET_TOKEN>'

Also all ports are mapped to your local host, assuming you stick to the default port numbers.


If you want to secure your hoprd admin UI, in the command line you must use --apiToken tag.

<YOUR_SECRET_TOKEN> - Replace it with your own password (don't use "<>").

Password should contain:

  • at least 8 symbols
  • a lowercase letter
  • uppercase letter
  • a number
  • a special symbol

This ensures the node cannot be accessed by a malicious user residing in the same network.