Frequently Asked Questions
General Questions
What is HOPR?
The HOPR network is an incentivised p2p network where nodes are relay points for transferring data between users. Data is encrypted and mixed between nodes, so only the receiver can view the data, and only the sender knows the source and destination of the data transfer.
Where can I find the yellowpaper?
Coming soon.
What is metadata privacy?
Metadata is data about data. E.g. who sent the data? Who received it? When was it sent? Where was it sent from and received? Metadata leaks are highly exploitable and a primary infrastructural concern for web3.
What’s so special about HOPR?
What makes HOPR unique is that people are rewarded for helping to relay data: when your node acts as a “hop” on the route data takes through the network, you receive HOPR tokens. By incentivising node runners to work in the network's interest and creating an airtight protocol to remove the risk of exploitation, HOPR creates a solution to these transport layer privacy leaks without relying on altruism.
What does HOPR help solve?
HOPR is building a transport layer privacy solution which is fully incentivised and decentralised. This means you can avoid metadata concerns, such as IP address leaks, without relying on a centralised provider such as a VPN or altruism from node runners, as is the case with the TOR browser. With HOPR, a single honest node across a relay makes you completely anonymous while sending or receiving data.
Where can I find stats about HOPR?
You can find everything at
Is HOPR hiring?
Yes, We are always searching for new additions to add to our team
How can I contact the HOPR team?
You can contact us via email at
HOPR Protocol Questions
What is the HOPR Protocol?
The HOPR protocol allows users to run nodes which form a peer-to-peer privacy network. Data sent through the network won't expose metadata. E.g. who sent/received the data? The size/time of the transfer etc...
What does Layer 0 mean?
HOPR is complementary to a lot of protocols like Matrix, but HOPR also provides network-level privacy for blockchain applications for truly private transactions — on-chain and off-chain, that’s why we call it a layer 0 protocol.
Is HOPR PoS or PoW?
What is Proof of Relay?
Proof of relay mechanism helps to separate the messaging and payment layers, breaking any linkability between them. It turns out there’s a beneficial overlap between what stakers expect and what mixnets need to remain anonymous.
What is Cover Traffic?
Cover traffic - arbitrary data used to increase the background noise of the network. This boosts privacy by obscuring fluctuations in network usage.
When will HOPR launch the mainnet?
HOPR is launched on the Ethereum mainnet
HOPR Token Questions
Does HOPR have a token?
Yes, we launched our token in early March 2021.
Where can I buy the HOPR Token?
You can buy HOPR tokens from Uniswap / Ascendex
What is the utility of the HOPR Token?
"The HOPR token has three main uses:
Users can pay with HOPR tokens to send data through the HOPR network privately and securely.
Node runners can stake HOPR tokens in their nodes to be rewarded for relaying data. Node runners receive fees in HOPR for the data they help to relay, including a large number of tokens distributed in the form of cover traffic.
Finally, the HOPR token gives users voting power in the HOPR Association DAO "
What is the difference between xHOPR and HOPR?
xHOPR is a bridge of the HOPR token on the xDAI network.
Are the smart contract audited?
Yes, the smart contracts are audited by Chain Security.
HOPR Staking Questions
Can the HOPR token be staked?
Yes, currently, we have a staking event.
What hardware requirements are needed for running a node?
Node can be run on: PC / MAC / Raspberry Pi / Server
OS: macOS X / Linux OS (Ubuntu 16 and greater versions, Debian 10.x)
Dual Core CPU ~ 2 GHz
4GB of RAM or greater.
Disk space of at least 3GB.
x64 architecture CPU (any).
How to install a hoprd node..
Are you rewarding node operators?
Node operators can stake HOPR tokens in their nodes to be rewarded for relaying data. Node runners receive fees in HOPR for the data they help to relay, including a large number of tokens distributed in the form of cover traffic.